Software developer, Administrator and
ZVAB (2001 - 2011) was a subsidiary of Mediantis AG and the biggest market place for german language antique and used books. I was employed there for more than 10 years, working in the beginning as system programmer with Perl but expanded my area of activity strongly. During that time my responsabilities were amongst others: administration of the web site, second level support, administration of systems and data bases including installations, software development in Perl, PHP, Java and PL/SQL, requirements engineering, business analysis and assistant IT director.
AbeBooks (2011 - 2012)
After the Acquisition of ZVAB by AbeBooks, I canadian subsidiary of Amazon, I was initially responsible for the continuation of the IT stack, later I moved to Victory, Canada to assist the new owner technically and business wise.
Springer Fachmedien (2013-2014)
At Springer Faachmedien, a german publisher for scientific literature, I was 9 months part of the platform team, a geographical distributed engineering team that was responsible for the maintainence of various online components as well as the development of new tools and the platform acording to the DevOps strategy of springer.
Zalando (2015, 2016)
In various teams and projects at Zalando, I was responsible as DevOps for development and maintainence of tools, backends and cloud-based architectures using AWS.
IAt Devatax, a startup based in the south-german town of Passau, I was working in development of a REST backend with Java and Postgres as well as the setup and maintainence of the vmWare based Infrastructure.
Urban Playground
The Berlin based startup UrbanPlayground creates a geolocation app for mobile plattforms to create, maintain and use scavenger hunts and informational tours. My responsability here is development and maintainence of the backend.